

Gutiérrez Rivera, Lirio. (2013). Territories of Violence. State, Marginal Youth, and Public Security in Honduras. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Refereed Journal Articles/Artículos en revistas arbitradas

Gutiérrez Rivera, Lirio. (2022). “Constructoras de territorio/Producers of territories: Women’s grassroots movements’ experiences of urban territories in Medellín, Colombia”, Third World Thematics. DOI:

Gutiérrez Rivera, Lirio. (2021) “Safer housing agenda for women: Local urban planning knowledge and women’s grassroots movements in Medellín, Colombia”.  In: Debates Section “Home Matters: The Material Cultures of Urban Security”, International Journal of Urban and Regional Planning. DOI: 10.1111/1468-2427.12892.

Gutiérrez Rivera, Lirio. (2018). “Transnational and local entanglements in the ‘cycle of violence’ of Central American migration”, Global Crime. DOI: 10.1080/17440572.2018.1477600

Gutiérrez Rivera, Lirio. (2014). “Assimilation or Cultural Difference? Palestinian Migrants in Honduras” Revista de Estudios Sociales (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia) No. 48: pp. 57-68.

Gutiérrez Rivera, Lirio. (2012). “Geographies of Violence and Exclusion: Imprisoned Gangs (“Maras”) in Honduras” Latin American Research Review, 47(2): 167-179.

Gutiérrez Rivera, Lirio. (2011). “Security Policies from a Spatial Perspective: The Case o of Honduras.” In: “Dossier Spaces of Insecurity: Rethinking Security Governance in Latin America” Iberoamericana, no. 41, 143-155.

Gutiérrez Rivera, Lirio. (2010). “Discipline and Punish? Youth Gangs’ Response to Zero-Tolerance in Honduras” Bulletin of Latin American Research, 29(4): 492-514.

Gutiérrez Rivera, Lirio. (2007). “Opportunities and Possibilities: Volunteers’ Experience with People with HIV/AIDS” Universitas Humanística, No. 64: 92-112.

Book Chapters (Refereed)/Capítulos de libros

Gutiérrez Rivera, Lirio. (2022). “Territorios seguros para mujeres urbanas en el contexto del pos-acuerdo: el movimiento de mujeres en Medellín, Colombia”. In: Colombia, entre posconflicto y posacuerdo. Territorialidades, temporalidades y materialidades, edited by Frank Müller, Jairo Baquero Melo, Markus Rauchecker, Ramiro Segura. Bogotá: Universidad el Rosario.

Gutiérrez Rivera, Lirio. (2018). “Analizando el papel de la idea de ‘raza’ en las políticas de control del crimen y el sistema penitenciario en Honduras”. En: Rostros de la violencia en Centroamérica: Abordajes y experiencias desde la investigación social, editado por Daniel Nuñéz, pp.191-208. Guatemala: FLACSO.

Gutiérrez Rivera, Lirio (2018). “Gender, race, and the cycle of violence of female asylum seekers from Honduras”. In: Race, Criminal Justice and Migration, edited by Bosworth, Mary, Parmar, Alpa and Yolanda Vazquez. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Gutiérrez Rivera, Lirio, Stronen, Iselin Asedotter, and Margit Ystanes. (2017). “Coming of age in the penal system: neoliberalism, ‘mano dura’ and the reproduction of ‘racialised’ inequality in Honduras”. In: The Social Life of Economic Inequalities in Latin America. Decades of Change, edited by Iselin Asedotter Stronen and Margit Ystanes. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.

Gutiérrez Rivera, Lirio. (2017). “The World of the Rondines: Movement, order, and control in a Latin American prison”. In:  Carceral Mobilities: Interrogating Movement in Incarceration, edited by Jen Turner and Kimberly Peters. London: Routledge.

Gutiérrez Rivera, Lirio. (2016). “Prison Violence and Change: The Impact of Crime Control Policies on Honduran Prisons”. In: Crime and Violence in Latin America: Myths and Realities, edited by Kirsten Howarth and Jenny Peterson, Lexington Press.

Gutiérrez Rivera, Lirio. (2016). “Revisiting Palestinian Migration and Social Mobility in Honduras: The Caribbean Coast and Family and Kinship Relations”. In: Migration of Rich Immigrants: Gender, Age and Ethnicity, edited by Alex Vailati and Carmen Rial. New York: Palgrave.